Follow the leaf-laden
path through the woods
in autumn.
Let the crunch
of fallen leaves
be the music
that guides your way.
Breathe deep the air,
letting the wind
carry the forest
into your lungs
and out again.
Follow the symphony
of water rushing
off in the distance,
pulling you closer
to where you belong.
Step out beyond
the end of the trail,
as it opens into
without another
soul in sight.
Remove all reminders
of your civilized life.
Climb up to the mouth
of the water’s descent.
Stand in the glory
of your oneness
with all that grows,
all that roams,
all that flies and swims,
all that breathes
on this sacred earth.
Let the cold splash
of water on your face
wake you up
from all that has
kept you asleep
for too long.
Shake the dust
from your hair,
wipe away the tears
old stories brought you.
Sing the new song
stirring in your soul
for all the earth
to hear.
And when you have
fully remembered
exactly who you are,
find the trail again
that takes you
back to the world,
and wiser
than ever before.
- Matthew Foley