You once knew the way.
A path marked with your name,
that led to the sunsets you loved,
the mountains that moved you,
the books you opened a thousand times,
the songs that beat the same rhythm
as your heart.
But somewhere back there,
without your knowing it,
your feet wandered far
from the way.
Webs of lies caught you.
Shards of broken promises cut you.
His angry voice shamed yours
into silence.
Her sad song drowned out
your chorus of joy.
You stopped hearing the voice within,
but it whispers still, waiting
for the day you will listen again.
Let this be the day.
Let this be the day you drop everything
you are not meant to carry.
Let this be the day you sing only the songs
that match your heartbeat.
Let this be the day your feet find the path
marked with your name once again.
Where is the way back to yourself? Where it has always been.
Right under your feet, waiting
for your next step.
- Matthew Foley